Well, then, that kinda backs up the point a lot of ppl have been making
BUT ...
I agree - I think this will be the most interesting thing ... the other thread just posted to the main forum on the
90 hour fee-waiver window to join QC suggests they want to free up lounges for 'paying' QC members - which goes back to the original essence of QC in the first place (ie, first and foremost a 'paid/subscription lounge', with status access only coming later ... perhaps as a result of OW, but, following that argument, they could also go down the AA route and do away with that for their 'own' elites, too) ... SO, to go back to my main point, it'll be interesting to see what (if any) 'other' incentives they introduce to make other aspects of tiered status more desirable than the lounge itself ...
to be quiet honest, i'd be quite happy as a "WP option" of being able to subscribe to 'premium' QC membership that would allow 'anytime access' (ie, access not being a 'free' right in itself, but the opportunity for WPs to 'opt' for premium (anytime) QC access.
(hey red roo -- reading this!!!?? PLZ!
those loyal to qantas when possible, but feel they need that 'additional' access, can opt for it ... and it still preserves the essence of QC as a paid members' lounge ... the more i've been reflecting on these changes, QC hasn't really been discussed, but I think there's a desire to more clearly differentiate between what QC and Tiered status offer, as there's been a lot of 'benefit creep' between the two as both have evolved ... so i'm not sure that's a 'bad' thing - but i suspect (no, more like "obviously"!!) the 'detangling' has left casualties ... and it's been a bit messy. but i dont see why it needs to be one or the other ... if they want to keep them distinct, do so, but perhaps make concessions (eg, WP options for nytime 'paid' access, etc) to preserve that integrity of both programs.