Yep, lots of factors go into selecting the flight(s). I don't have the luxury of travelling on someone else's purse so unless I am on points, then I am more often in Y, I'd rather spend the money on the destination than the journey, so cost is often the prime consideration after perceived safety/carrier reputation.
Gave up on Y+ because after a few tries on various carriers, decided there was no value in it. J is usually (not always) beyond my price tolerance level.
If I can have one less airport experience and get there a few hours quicker then that definitely has quite a bit of value to me personally. The reason for travelling is mainly the destination, not the transport (is that a sacrilege to say in a forum for this cohort

Obviously that doesn't equate to a doubling of the fare, but if there is say up to a couple hundred bucks more on a return journey to LHR then I'd take the non-stop.
If I could skip LAX and travel anywhere else in the states directly, HUGE bonus, I loathe that airport.