My wife and I are passengers on today's now cancelled QF7. Reason was major engineering work required (emergency brakes?). Waiting in QF business lounge for information onour hotel and food/beverage arrangements...
No idea how they are going to get us over there tomorrow!
map, thank you for the terrific on-the-spot report.
Good news is that the QF website suggests that the delayed QF7 will depart at 1000 on Thursday 30 March with same day DFW arrival at 0835. If true, you should be 19 and a half hours or so late arriving in the USA.
Please let us know through AFF what Sydney Airport or CBD hotel you are put in, whether you receive any other compensation (monetary or QFF points), the efficiency of any transfers provided, what time you have to be on the (bus?) back in the morning and so on.
One problem with the DFW eastbound flight is that if there's a problem with it, all the SYD - LAX (or SFO) flights will normally have long departed: it isn't like one intermediate stop flights to Europe that are essentially departing at various times including the late evening, limited only by the SYD curfew.
The QF website is still maintaining what must be the fiction that QF8 will depart from DFW at 2100 hours on Wednesday 29 (today.)
On Tuesday 28 March, the 2100 hours DFW - SYD departed at 2244; Thursday 30 March arrival is predicted for 0750 hours, 105 minutes later than the timetabled 0605. While there is no publicly showing gate number in SYD for the overnight delayed QF7, it is possible that the reason it can depart not far short of a day late at 1000 on Thursday morning is that it may be formed by this arriving, somewhat delayed QF8.