QF127 on Wednesday 19 April 2023 arrived HKG at 1821 hours, 31 minutes tardy with stalwart unrefurbished VH-OQL that as Flyerqf explained a few posts above usually operates the 127/128 yo-yo six days a week (exception ex Oz: Mondays).
However QF128 last night (the 1940 hours) was not airborne until 2122 mid evening, so on Thursday 20, gate arrival should be at about 0749 hours, 64 late. In theory the 1035 hours SYD-HKG QF127 should be able to punctually depart.
A332 VH-EBR on the Wednesday 19 0905 hours SYD up to BLR QF67 did not take off until 1144, arriving at gate at 1854, 154 minute sbehind the timetable. The redeye QF68 should arrive SYD today at 1210 hours, 125 late.
B789 VH-ZNK was on yesterday's QF63 SYD-JNB, arriving at 1740, an even 90 late, but the return is worse, with 'the 64' not airborne until 2019 so arrival this afternoon looks to be approximately 1622 hours, 157 minutes late.
A388 VH-OQK on the 19 April QF11 from SYD up to LAX arrived same day at 0937 hours, 152 late. B789 VH-ZNG on 'the 21' from MEL to DFW arrived at its gate on 19 April at 1526 hours, 101 late. ZNE was on QF7 (SYD-DFW yesterday) that was at its arrival gate at 1640, 35 behind.