On Wednesday 22 January, A333 VH-QPC arrived as QF20 from MNL in SYD at 1108 hours, 278 minutes behind schedule. It has then been placed on QF59, the 1200 'high noon' SYD up to HND airborne at 1420 for suggested at gate arrival tonight at 2153 hours, 113 minutes behind the timetable.
B789 VH-ZNI arrived in PER at 1553 this afternoon (213 late) as QF10 from LHR.
Sister ZNB is running QF27, the 1220 hours SYD-SCL that should arrive 33 late at 1118 hours.
A332 VH-EBS is operating QF67 from SYD to BLR that should arrive at about 2031 hours, 276 late.
Sister EBK has had problems lately, as discussed above: it arrived tonight as QF126 (AKL across to BNE) at 1804 hours 44 late meaning its next flight, QF97 to MNL (the 1915 hours) will be delayed.