There are a lot of generalisations being thrown around now like "SQ FA's are robots" or all QF is bad because of [ X ] or whatever.
Let's be fai rhuh? I've had brilliant interactions with SQ Staff, and I've also noticed aspects of "robotic" service - more in terms of he rule following/training.. that things are supposed to be done "this way' and onl this way. That doesn't have to be a bad thing.. it all depends on the situation. I absolutely appreciate when individual staff (be it SQ, MH, EK or QF) can add their own little bit or make things just a little more personal.. and we've all that had I'm sure. Definitely Singapore is one of the most regimented (rule based) societies and they follow them with very little dicretion. A pro of this is a place where there's a high level of personal safety and that I feel totally fine about walking the streets late at night etc (unlike many other places) whilke a Con would be the lack of perhaps ability for many to step outside and use some common sense when it comes to some "rules" but again that is a stereotype/generalisation and totally unfair. Like saying all Aussies are Bali Bogans or all Americans are hicks with no education.
QF staff, even at the senior levels I am certain, like most of us vary in their outlook, commitment to the company culture and/or customer service and goals. Many personally go above and beyond (as we all know) while some well.. we all have bad days. That's pretty normal for most large customer service focused companies. Alan Joyce has definitely run QF as a for profit company and his emphasis has definitely been on the bottom line(oh god, no jokes there please!).. the company has also gone hrough some difficult periods aslong with the good. Personally I am not a fan of his style in terms of taking from the staff in many respects, the whole "shutting down the airline" standoff with the unions and all the rest, but he has also given solid results, and outdone VA in a fiscal sense IMHO. I also feel Dixon and then Joyce missed the boa on the 777 and the 380 was probably the wrong choice for the airline, but the investment in the 789 is solid and there's "progress".. for me a mixed bag. I do think it's time for new views and a new direction though.That's just me.
And finally back to SFO777's lovely wife and pictures and so on. That's fine if she has veto over photos of her online etc... because she has a say. I still come back to some of the photos involving groups of people, like in lounges (specially the young lady eating in one shot!) if they were given an opportunity to say yes or no to their photos being used online. Yes, in public people have no expectation of privacy interms of photography and the like - I understand this (although lounges could be considered private property, but that's a whole other issue).. I just feel it would have been more appropriate to either blur faces, or aim for shots that do not show so many lounge users close up. That's just me.