Here's how I calculate it. I'm currently 3090 SCs (have already achieved >2,700 on QF). My Calendar year starts on 1-Aug.
If I want, I can move DSC bookings of 610 into August, I need to take these flights anyway. And re-book the original flights in June/July with QF (or even Virgin). This would mean I wouldn't qualify for P1 at ~3,400SCs in this current status year. But would mean that I'd easily qualify for Gold during that year, even though I probably won't be doing any other flying. However, if there is indeed a soft landing to WP after P1, then I may as well keep my DSC bookings and attain p1 status.
Here's my Status summary.
SC year starting | Don't qual for p1 (end year SCs) | Attain p1 (end year SCs) | note... |
current year | WP (3,400) | P1 (3,700) | |
1-Aug-2019 | WP (700) | P1 (~400) | won't be flying much |
1-Aug-2020 | SG | WP | will be flying a lot |
So if there is a soft landing to WP, it makes sense to attain p1, I'll start my 1-Aug-2020 year as WP with all the benefits and only need to achieve 1,200 SCs to re-qualify WP. Compared to flying that year as SG and needing 1,400SC to re-earn WP