Over the past 2 years, QF wine has probably contributed 300-400K of points annually for me and I've stopped card churning because of it. This is pretty much entirely thanks to Flightformula doing all the hard work for me.
I spend a bit more on that than I did card fees, but I get wine from it and I use my PCP 10% off and $50 wine vouchers so I am quite comfortable with the price to value ratio.
The rest of mine comes from QFF AMEX Ultimate which has started capping out the 1.25ppd rate to 1.00ppd at 100K points earned, but 1ppd matches many other cards and no limit applies after there. The last decent earner is everyday rewards, esp from the gift card promos.
One other area that I have found easier of late is the Qantas Marketplace 3ppd on gift cards. Not super exciting as a headline, but for stuff like WISH gift cards, Doordash, Uber etc I have now conditioned myself to always buy via GCs via the marketplace prior to shopping, because not only do I get 3ppd on groceries from the gift card, I earn 2.25 ppd on QF marketplace spend on the AMEX even after you hit the 100K cap on that as well so instead of getting 1 ppd for Woolworths spend I'm getting 5.25, plus earning EDR points which then convert back to QFF.
I am actually finding it easier than ever, but do agree with the points above that some avenues have reduced.