a remedy?
Around two years ago (and discussed here) I found an annoying glitch in the QF pricing. From memory, prices for identical dates, flights (BNE-MNL-BNE) and class booked online were
· Full payment on card $1,300
· Cash outbound, Classic return $1,700 + 40,000 points. (some “reward”!)
What was happening was when on the same booking, I changed one leg to Classic, the price for the other leg went sky high.
· Booking two separate tickets BNE-MNL cash and a completely separate booking MNL-BNE Classic ( again same, date flights and class) then the total cost was $1,500.
· BUT booking a flight out of MNL required one to turn up at the MNL office within a few days to show the credit card used. BUT what if it was all on points, including fees? Same rule. But what if I lived in BNE? Don’t care – same rule!
My Don Quixote gland kicked in. Some staff could see what was happening and agreed it made no sense. Some made feeble excused that made even less sense. One took it to trainers and supervisors for help. This went on for weeks.
Along the way we retested. Different dates, different destinations etc. Same crazy pricing punishment for daring to book a reward flight.
But staff came up blank. So I took it, all documented to the Airline Industry Ombudsman.
Turns out that the prices were being loaded incorrectly – and this was widespread. That’s a mistake and forgivable. What was unforgivable was when QF staff could see it, reported it and they too were being ignored. I suggested that whoever was doing the ignoring of their own team needed to be shot at dawn.
That’s a long story to bring us back to today’s issue:
1. Its likely one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing
2. Its likely that calling QF staff to explain will go nowhere – they get ignored just as much as we get ignored
3. The Airline Ombudsman is there to fix this nonsense, and is the only way to get this fixed. Your complaint and follow up would make the world a slightly better place… for all of us.
4. The more the Ombudsman gets results that are highly visible to senior management, the more likely QF will finally introduce some quality control on how data is loaded onto the online booking system.
any takers?