I was in the 1st hundred in OZ to get a digital car phone, think it was about 1982, it had a huge computer in boot under the parcel shelf and big antennae middle of lid, the phone was white and first numbers were 007, cost as over $5K, was fitted to my bimmer 3 with low profile Pirelli's and plate No GOBMW, you could say it stood out. Remember parking in main street of Manly, on phone talking to my mate who had one too, all these people on the footpath peering into my car, it was so dam funny

We had our first computer way back in 1972 for typesetting, an Imagesetter, thing was size of a ice maker fridge all 16K of it!, used photo bromide paper, controlled by paper tape punched from dumb terminals (no HD or floppies then).
Around 1985 we saw the first desktop publishing release (Pagemaker 1) and Apple laser printer at publishing trade show in New Orleans we were gobsmacked!, back home few days later called Apple Aust, said they had no idea what I was talking about, I told them this would be "the greatest publishing revolution since there was movable type!". They immediately sent a courier across Sydney to our plant to get a copy of the brochure of the laser printer and software, called back said we agree).
Apple kept in touch, months later sent out a MacPlus, laser printer to our plant with Pagemaker1 loaded for us to test it out for them. We took to it like a duck to water, Apple months later arranged for a dealer to supply us with the first setup in OZ, saved a bundle on photo graphic paper, choosing printouts on matt art for pasteup, we got publications out so fast and never looked back.
The publishing industry in those days had blinkers on for a long time, would not have bar of it, but after they heard me speak for 20 mins at a publishers conference 6 months later we were flooded with numerous calls and factory visits, not bad for an independent to show the big boys how it was done, and... they all followed