Alrighty. Just as I threw in my opinion about the Sharp AFR article I'll do the same here even though no one asked for it here we go...
The fact and claim page about Qantas launching new routes to hurt rex is funny, nine times out of ten they launched new domestic routes because that's all they can operate right now (so I don't know why QF is being all defensive there), if competition comes along then sucks to be Rex, that's just how business works.
Alan is right about Rex throwing tantrums and not wanting to talk about pax numbers. He makes some great points about Rex's aging SAAB fleet (average age 26 years) although the same could be said about the Qantaslink (average age 18.2 years with the F100's 27.8yrs, the 717's 19.2 yrs and the Dash 8-200's 25 years) however I'd argue this is where the valid points from QF stop.
Alan is saying Rex should provide "credible answers" however arguably Qantas should do the same thing. Notably absent from Qantas' rebuttal was talk of their finances aside from having a total market capitalisation which really means nothing as gamestop has shown and an "investment grade credit rating" which again is great but that's not what runs a business.
On the claim and fact page, they indicate that most of their liabilities are actually frequent flyer points (which seems unlikely given just last week QF was talking about strong forward bookings) which would make me concerned if I held vast amounts of QFF points given it's "apparently" a big liability for Qantas and something they could potentially fix overnight if they wished.
Again if Qantas wants "credible answers" from their competitors they should also be more open about their refund process. Saying you've helped 2.5 million people is great however I wonder how many are still waiting? There are people going to the news media saying they've been waiting up to 7 months and QF even told ET last year that outstanding bookings were around $2 billion.
Needless to say, given Qantas has set up a page to respond to claims (and indications they'll add to it as needed) I suspect we may see something from Rex soon or at least more of Sharp in the AFR. Whatever happens, the annual reports of both QF and ZL will make for rather interesting reads!