Those people saying they rarely wash dishes by hand must not have children in the household. When the kids start to get antsy about doing chores, our dishwasher would "fault" and I would deem it broken and in need of service/repairs. "Oh well, we'll just have to wash by hand again until I can get it fixed."
About 3-6 months later, one of the kids always asked how long it will be until the dishwasher is fixed. "I'll try to look at it again on the weekend". Out come some tools, a little bit of grunting and banging. "Ok, lets give it a whirl". And then I claim the position of repair hero.
Then in a few months time, the cycle begins again with reluctance to do their chores ... oops, dishwasher is playing up again, I guess we will have to wash up by hand again".
When the last of the kids moved out, I felt it safe to buy a new dishwasher

(and an ice cream machine and a few other pleasures).