Scams like these

These rideshare issues boil up the blood and is not limited to Bolt or Thailand. They do tend to be more prevalent when an airport is involved.

I never answer the phone after making a booking and always report drivers that try any of this. I figure the company would want to know that their platform is being used by leeches to capture customers phone numbers.

They need to have a better system so drivers can't accept a job, and then cancel if they don't like the fare and/or call to make a deal that's worse for the customer.
I am going to contact Bolt when I'm back in Australia. Bolt were giving me a 75baht discount on each of these 2 trips which went to waste when the best price was 1100 baht instead of 925baht.

The whole idea of Bolt and Grab was to try and counter the Thai taxi Mafia but looks like the Thai taxi Mafia have found ways around them.

Another example is Motorcycle taxis. For a long-time it has been 40 baht for short trips and 60 baht for longer trips. I was sitting in front of hotel and saw a Grab motorcycle taxi pull up and fare was 33 baht. Driver was stuffing around looking for change and passenger ended up giving 27 baht tip.

Taxis cost too much in Thailand.
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Interesting observation. Never seen this but will store away in a dark recess of my mind.


EDIT: Just did a search of cyrillic keyboards and the above is not confirmed for the cyrillic alphabet keyboards, BUT it is different. Just be cautious for differences like this.
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Nah, they just pick on any white person.
It must be that Thailand allows them visa free entry, unlike Indians wanting to go to SIN.
When their time is nearly up, the most likely go down to Malaysia, and then come back up again.
Maybe, as you go to Thailand often, get a phrasebook, or kindle read, up on basic Hindi/Tamil/Malayalam/Telugu.
Then when approached, just say in the most basic wording, "I know what you are about", in the various dialacts of Indian.
Youtube does list all the Indian scams in Bangkok, or the scam that Thais play on others.
JohnK, cant the other half teach you some Thai swear words, yes, I know, the Thais do not want to lose face, and wont swear publicly, but I am sure that they do when no "Farangs/Gwailio" are looking.
JohnK, cant the other half teach you some Thai swear words, yes, I know, the Thais do not want to lose face, and wont swear publicly, but I am sure that they do when no "Farangs/Gwailio" are looking.
I do know some Thai swear words.

Some suggest these Indians live here but to me looks like opportunistic tourists trying on scams.

The best way I react is "FFS, Indians trying to scam me in Thailand" in English. Need to be careful what one says so best just ignore and continue going about your business.
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Very good grammar and spelling.
I would have written it as ((one of the last income earning properties for under $250,000, under $1m)).
Most likely buy with others.
So, the scam might either be a fake seller, with no properties, ie, he is not authorized to deal in real estate, or he does a bunk with the funds, or he uses the funds to pay out others, ie, Ponzi, or he uses the funds for his own purposes, calling it admin expenses.
They must have got some tuition, no, not from me, wouldnt touch these with a barge pole, or a prod stick for that matter.
So, I wonder if Mr Gavan is a registered Real Estate Agent and holds a practising license in that state, the email or blip does not give a street address, which all kosher real estate agencies would.
Probably a scam straight off.
No MREI(state of cert) either.
Most likely the email would be answered by someone else, (if Mr Gavan exist/does not exist), and the link would go somewhere else too.
Have to ask too, why is it "back on the market"?
Heh heh.
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