You must of missed my earlier post with an actual comparison of QFF vs Scoot on dates I made a booking, hardly misleading, just a real world example.
No doubt out of sale QF are not cheap, that's yield management for you, and yes it's been on offer three times this year including my trip which is in a weeks time as well as two other trips I booked, all three times I checked and at best the premium was $200, as per my earlier post in the case of May QF were actually cheaper ($649 ex BNE) than Scoot for my dates with Scoot shortening my trip by not having a daily flight and excluding the accommodation needed for scoot coming home with the delicious 23 hr layover in SIN, the joys of flying ex QLD with no SIN relos to reduce expenses.
As I pointed out before, $200 is worth it for 20000 points alone to me, the luxury of not being baggage limited so I can shop to my hearts content (making more $$$ savings) and having lounge access just a nice bonus, and that's not factoring in the bonus points for getting billed by Qantas for my airfare on my QF flavoured Credit card! Yet strangely I don't use any Qantas website to book
By all means keep flying Scoot, it means I will continue to get good Qantas airfares while they are around with a little bit more research than just checking out, of course Skyscanner helps as it gives me a max price to pay which is my starting point.