So all in all very impressed with SQ. Bed is very comfortable on SQ, but don't totally like the concept of either a bed or a chair, but that might be just a case of getting used to watching TV and then asking for the bed to be made and getting it taken away when you wake up. We are used to waking up and watching TV in bed so to speak.
Service much better than on QF - you can get good service, but it is increasingly perfunctory. I just couldn't imagine anyone on SQ sighing and reluctantly making a plate of cheese and biscuits, which is what happened to me on QF when I slept through the meal service and then didn't want a steak sandwich....
I found the staff delightful to talk to and very friendly. Have also seen people say they are "robotic" - definitely didn't find this. The head guy told me twice I was an angel for swapping seats
Food is good quality on QF, but unexciting. Having two good champagnes to choose from was a bonus.
Much preferred the lounges with SQ and the checkin in Singapore blows Qantas away.
We never travel on awards overseas, only domestically, so given we are paying reasonable sums of money for our flights, why on earth stick to an airline that is at best F- and probably J+?
we have given up on status with FF programs, so will travel airlines that make sense for our destinations, but SQ will definitely be a favourite. I can see us flying EK/QF to East Africa, as EK seems the only airline to fly F to there.
We did have a nice touch when flying SYD-CBR - I was carrying my evening dress and of course had been hung up on the flight to Sydney - I was dreading trying to squash it under the seat. We were flying a dash8, so all economy. As soon as I boarded though the FA asked if she could hang up my dress for me. as I have always said I do like Qantas staff!
so no more travelling for awhile (unless you count 3 trips to Sydney for fittings for Miss FMs wedding dress). Next year is the year of the wedding and after I recover from that I will find the energy to start planning our trip to see the Gorillas