I've re-evaluated my options and decided that you're probably right and I'm going to pursue a Hilton Aspire Amex from the US
So, to summarise 114 pages of discussion that has often speared off on wild tangents ........

1. setup a myUS account and go for the Premium option. Not assured of working but more likely than the freebie (they do a manual assessment of your 'application' to open an account - how quaint

) Waiting on my to be opened
2. Use Apartment (Apt) instead of Suite in the address line - seems to have worked for others
3. Setup a US cell phone number. The online process for a Google Voice number doesn't work anymore because one of the intermediary sites has shut down. I've gone with the OpenPhone App and hope that it can accept texts from system generated security systems
But a couple of further questions ....
a. has anybody - non US citizens - had any issues with FATCA? I remember changing my Citi cell phone contact from a +61 to a +1 for the duration of a 4wk visit to the US (to accommodate any text challenges to purchases made on my Citi credit card) and I was inundated with paperwork when I got back to Australia. Sorted it but can do without the agro'
b. I have Citi and HSBC accounts that can pay off the card and accommodate the "for further credit" process that is required. But I aslo have a Wise account that has US Bank details that can accept Direct Debits. Tried it for my US ICC Amex but the system failed and it was a paper process - welcome to the 21st century
With a proper US based Amex can you set up Direct Debit from your online account like you can in Australia and the UK?
Thanks in advance