Yeah. I get that part. I was of the impression that they are registered as accepting agent or certified accepting agent. It seems this can be DIY'd too. Passport can be sent to US consulate to get a certified copy for US$50 + W7+1040NR. But personally to play it safe I'll probably go via CAA route.
Embassies/Consulates won't do that unless the reason you're requesting an ITIN is due to ticking "a" (required to obtain an ITIN to claim tax treaty benefits) - unfortunately when you do that, they reject you because the taxation agreement with Australia does not require an ITIN or FTIN (TFN). It might work if you lie and claim that you're doing actual work for a US company in order to meet the criteria required - but you still need something on letterhead from a US company that says they must have an ITIN for withholding. Ticking the other boxes requires an Apostille (DFAT sticking an actual wax stamp on a photocopy).
No US companies I can find will issue these to Australians any more since it's explicitly no longer required.