Thanks. It will certainly prove beneficial to us. The equity in our house has, like everyone else's, has been rocketing. Even if this growth slows down, there will still be enough left over to take care of our nursing home costs when that dreaded day comes. As I said earlier, we seem to be in the sweet spot with enough super to be able to top up an aged pension, but without having enough to cut out the pension. I really feel sorry for a couple with $800k in super.
There's really no reason to feel sorry for them. The system is designed such that Australians are expected to use their own assets prior to claiming social security. The couple with $800k in super is expected to draw their desired income primarily from superannuation assets. If their investment earnings are not sufficient to replace the drawn income, their eligibility for social security will slowly increase over time.
At the end of the day, if anyone feels they have too much assets and it's hurting their Centrelink eligibility, there's a pretty simple solution (turn left instead of right when boarding the plane