Swine Flu Outbreak and Travel Insurance

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Lots of FUD surrounding this at present, especially as its a death toll of 7 poor souls at present. I would suggest going by DFAT's advice, and expect to be covered by insurance if you have to cancel as a result of changes in this advice, I would also recommend contacting your insurer if you have questions as they will be more than likely able to make more sense of their policy than you can, jsut keep a record of what was said by who at what time.
i am starting to get a bit annoyed with the TID policy wording :evil:.

I have the same insurance and am due to leave for the US May 15. I was so concerned by their policy wording (and the real lack of clarification given by their swine flu advice on their website) that I rang them this morning. They advised that currently they are following the WHO ratings and the Australian governments travel advice to direct their actions in terms of paying cancellations/recommending travel/paying medical costs. Currently, with a rating 4 by the WHO and no 'do not travel' advice from the government, they said that medical expenses would still be covered (and cancellation not covered). They said to monitor developments, most particularly the WHO rating and the advice on smarttraveller, and if that were to change, to contact them for further advice. They also said they will continue to update the important info on their website as well (not that the language there was particularly clear).

I hope they are being honest and up front about this. No one wants to be caught out in the US, in particular, without cover for medical, because the costs there are so unbelievably high. Do you think their advice is trustworthy, or will they try to get out of it when crunch-time comes?
from the TID advice for swine flu - http://www.travelinsurancedirect.com.au/wording/TID_Swine Flu advice.pdf

For customers currently travelling:

If customers become unfortunate enough to contract this particular strain of influenza, there is provision to claim for medical expenses incurred to treat this illness.

For customers who have not yet departed:

For customers travelling to Mexico or the surrounding areas listed in the DFAT travel warning, there is no provision, at this stage, to claim for cancellation expenses or amendment costs for travel to those specific
areas. At this time there is no advice from DFAT or any other recognised authority to preclude travel to this area, and as such there is no provision to claim for expenses incurred under the travel insurance policy.

Whilst no cover is afforded under the travel insurance policy for cancellation or amendment expenses, it is the responsibility of individual travellers to make their own risk based decisions regarding their travel to this area.

this second paragraph has me worried. it sounds like they're moving liability to the traveller.

i would like them to spell out that i am still covered for medical expenses.
it sounds like they're moving liability to the traveller.

i would like them to spell out that i am still covered for medical expenses.

I would suggest some common sense, they are not going to pay for changes when DFAT says avoid rather than dont visit and are saying they will cover expenses for those that are affected by the disease at present. Specifically if you go they will cover you, unless you ignore updates from DFAT that finally stay stay away, if that happens.

with insurance policies i take what's written rather than common sense, which can be just as much an assumption as anything else.

i don't think it is asking too much for them to have just added another paragraph that states that with the current travel advisories you are covered for medial expenses if you travel

there's a report in the paper stating the mexican authorities were asking doctors to not put cause of death on the death certificates. how true this is i have no idea, but when you look at what china did for half a year with SARS you just never know.
I would suggest some common sense, they are not going to pay for changes when DFAT says avoid rather than dont visit and are saying they will cover expenses for those that are affected by the disease at present. Specifically if you go they will cover you, unless you ignore updates from DFAT that finally stay stay away, if that happens.

Sounds on the money markis10:

They won't pay cancellation type fees because DFAT hasn't said "don't go". Nothing to indicate they won't cover medical at this stage.

If DFAT says "don't go" then they'll cover cancellation type fees but not medical cover should one ignore DFAT, go there, and contract the disease.
I agree. My travel partner told me to just go and "wear a mask" and I will be fine. I can't believe he suggested that, why would I risk being in a foreign company without insurance? :rolleyes:

Good advice lovestotravel!

:lol: Mt Buller is open this weekend, go there instead

$20 for a lift ticket for Holden chair :mrgreen:

Whilst no cover is afforded under the travel insurance policy for cancellation or amendment expenses, it is the responsibility of individual travellers to make their own risk based decisions regarding their travel to this area.

this second paragraph has me worried. it sounds like they're moving liability to the traveller.

i would like them to spell out that i am still covered for medical expenses.

I can totally sympathise with how you feel, as I thought exactly the same thing after reading that, but I rang them and emailed them and got the same response from both "Carole" online and "Allison", which was that they will pay claims for medical expenses relating to the flu for travellers to the US (I cannot speak for Mexico, as I didn't ask), even for those who have not yet departed, providing that current advice does not change and that you were insured before the 24th of April, 2009. Just for your own piece of mind, I would contact them so that you can get your own response in writing. There is a contact form on their website that you can use for this purpose. Of course, the situation is still changing, so that advice may change as well. I would continue to monitor the travel advisories and the World Health Organisation.

with insurance policies i take what's written rather than common sense, which can be just as much an assumption as anything else.


I totally agree with you there. It is their profit margins they will protect, and as far as I'm concerned, policy wording is designed to help them get out of claims, if necessary. One could easily imagine that their losses could be very high if this situation gets worse, and a scenario where they deny claims based on very fine technicalities with wording if not difficult to imagine. Just look at what happened to homeowners in the US when Katrina happened, if you have any trouble believing that insurance companies will do whatever they see as necessary to protect their own interests and not yours. It is always best to seek a clarification wherever there is any doubt.
Are you sure that Tamiflu is effective? My company is making available tamiflu to any member of staff travelling to Asia.

Yes, Tamiflu can be effective if it is used early in the infection.
Well, it's Level 5 now, so let's see if they do anything else to change policies. I'm still not going to NY, but I have not canned the tickets yet, waiting to see if I can claim them on something rather than getting credits (non refund. tix)
I totally agree with you there. It is their profit margins they will protect, and as far as I'm concerned, policy wording is designed to help them get out of claims, if necessary. One could easily imagine that their losses could be very high if this situation gets worse, and a scenario where they deny claims based on very fine technicalities with wording if not difficult to imagine. Just look at what happened to homeowners in the US when Katrina happened, if you have any trouble believing that insurance companies will do whatever they see as necessary to protect their own interests and not yours. It is always best to seek a clarification wherever there is any doubt.

There is no doubt though in this case, the PDS makes it very clear what is covered and not covered, repeating the conditions already mentioned in the PDS including the exclusions for pre-existing conditions not repeated here would make for a very long clarification containing mostly duplicate info :

  1. Your claim arises because you did not follow advice in the mass media of a government or other official body’s warning:
    • against travel to a particular country or parts of a country;
    • of a strike, riot, bad weather, civil commotion or contagious disease;
    • of a likely or actual Epidemic or Pandemic (such as H5N1 Avian influenza);
    • of a threat of an Epidemic or Pandemic (such as H5N1 Avian influenza) that requires the closure of a country’s borders; or
    • of an Epidemic or Pandemic that results in you being quarantined and you did not take the appropriate action to avoid or minimise any potential claim under your policy (including delay of travel referred to in the warning). Please refer to www.who.int for further information.
Its quite possible things will be a lot clearer in the next 24 - 48 hours as the spread of the disease is made clearer to the authorities and DFAT/WHO advice is changed, in which case you will be covered by cancellation cover etc. I have only ever made two claims on travel insurance, both times for SARs and had no issues with my claim, infact it worked out to my beenfit as I was compensated in $$$ for a J award ticket - nice !
Well, it's Level 5 now, so let's see if they do anything else to change policies. I'm still not going to NY, but I have not canned the tickets yet, waiting to see if I can claim them on something rather than getting credits (non refund. tix)

Interesting statistics issued today

1. TB kills 2 million people a year - a disease transmitted from person to person.

2. Run of the Mill Flu infects 3 - 5 million a year, kills 250,000 - 500,000 including 2000 aussies. a disease transmitted from person to person.

3. The US REPORTED 25000 cases of TB last year

If pax were to read the above and had the same fears as they currently are having, there would be NO planes flying at all.
new update from TID - http://www.travelinsurancedirect.com.au/wording/Swine_flu_290409.pdf

seems they are doing their best to weasel out of paying any cancellation expenses.

The following advice applies to policies issued on or before 28 April
at 1.31pm AEST.

Cancellation and Amendment Expenses:

For Policy Holders intending to travel to or through Mexico there is no provision under the policy to claim for cancellation or amendment costs. Claims made under this benefit, which arise directly or indirectly from an epidemic or pandemic, are specifically excluded from cover.

Whilst this is the case, the Claims Department are prepared to review submissions for indemnification of such expenses on individual circumstances. If a Policy Holder wishes to make such a submission, they should ensure that they take steps to mitigate all costs and submit their
claim form with full supporting documentation.

Medical Expenses

For ALL Policy Holders:
If Policy Holders, travelling in any country, become unfortunate enough to contract this particular
strain of influenza, there is provision to claim for medical expenses incurred to treat this illness in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
new update from TID - http://www.travelinsurancedirect.com.au/wording/Swine_flu_290409.pdf

seems they are doing their best to weasel out of paying any cancellation expenses.

You have missed quoting the key part:

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have reissued their travel advisory for Mexico,advising travellers to “Reconsider your need to travel”.
Specifically DFAT have advised that:
· We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to Mexico at this time because of the outbreak of a severe strain of swine influenza in humans.
· On 27 April, 2009, the WHO raised the level of the influenza outbreak from phase 3 to phase 4 (of 6). The change to the higher phase of pandemic alert indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic has increased, but not that a pandemic is inevitable.
From Smartraveller: The Australian Government's travel advisory and consular assistance service - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued the following:
“WHO is coordinating the global response to human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) and monitoring the corresponding threat of an influenza pandemic … WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay
international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities”.
From www.who.int

Reconsider your travel is not avoid travel or a closure of borders that would render your cover void under the PDS, same goes for the lack of a declaration at this stage of a pandemic, which would again void your cover for medical expenses.At this stage its not "out of your control "in terms of having to cancelthe trip, therefore cancellation provisions dont apply, once it does become out of your control then a claim for cancellation can proceed, and Allianz can also rely on the airlines to help with the claim cost etc etc.

If you are travelling in the next few days you will be completely covered, if not then wait for things to change, but if you want to cancel, its your judgement call under you control and not claimable. I think the company indicating its prepared to assess individual claims actually shows they are doing everything to help rahter than avoid their obligations, which is more than resonable IMHO.

all tourist sites are currently closed.

accapulco has closed all the bars clubs etc

mexico city has force all restaurants to close except for take away.

i'm sure there's other stuff going on too.

i'm not particularly worried about the flu with the current situation. it doesn't seem to have too high a morbidity rate. i am more thinking that what's the point of going to Mexico and not being able to party or see any of the sites.

the plicy wording seems to indicate that once a pandemic is declared then there wont be any coverage for pretty much anything. not sure how that works in conjuction withthe government saying don't go.

my biggest fear is to get to mexico and then sometime over the week i'm there have a pandemic declared and i'm not covered for anything. stuck in mexico during a crisis for an extra week or 2 is not my idea of a holiday :shock:

i know currently they say you are covered for medical expenses associated with swine flu, but the policy wording does allow them to revoke that coverage once a pandemic is declared.

hopefully the panic and fear starts to die down and the tourist sites are opened and life returns to relative normality there.

fingers AND toes crossed :lol:

all tourist sites are currently closed.

accapulco has closed all the bars clubs etc

mexico city has force all restaurants to close except for take away.

my biggest fear is to get to mexico and then sometime over the week i'm there have a pandemic declared and i'm not covered for anything. stuck in mexico during a crisis for an extra week or 2 is not my idea of a holiday :shock:

I understand where you are coming from and in many ways it must be frustrating because no one has stuck their neckout and said no - dont go, and thats the crux of the matter. If you are over there right now and get sick you are covered even though its been known about for some time now, if the warnings dont change in a weeks time then nothing should change with cover, I supect in 48 hours you might get some relief though by a declaration by one body or another that changes things in your favor, or at least the relaxation of cancel fees by the travel comapnies.
What you read and what is happening are not always the same.I was in San Antonio and exposed to plenty of Mexicans-they come there to shop at the outlets.Left DFW on 25/4 and there was absolutely no checks at all.Same on arrival into FRA on the 26th.
Just a word of reassurance-if it does become a pandemic you are just as much risk home in australia as travelling.
i'm not particularly worried about the flu with the current situation. it doesn't seem to have too high a morbidity rate. i am more thinking that what's the point of going to Mexico and not being able to party or see any of the sites.

This is a bit I am struggling with at the moment. The morbidity rate just doesn't seem that high. Bird Flu and SARS did seem like nasty things, but is this latest strain actually worse than other flu's or is the problem that there is not much resistance in the normal population and so many more people are going to be affected.
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I work at a unnamed health insurance provider and they sent a pretty good e-mail around about it.

"Figures in context
It is important to realise the context of these numbers. Worldwide, 250,000-500,000 people die each year from seasonal flu. In the USA alone, the number is 36,000 people. "

So that's nearly 100 people dying per day in the U.S from seasonal flu!

The other advice in the email was what is being written in the media - wash hands, cover mouth all that stuff. No different from recommendations to guard against regular flu.

I'm not worried now, nor was I before the email. The bad thing about it though is that it will destroy industry especially for a lot of poor farmers in third-world countries.
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