Targeted Velocity Double SCs or Points Offer [July 2024]


Apr 29, 2023
Flight Hacks is reporting a targeted offer for double SCs or points:

Book between 4 July 2024 and 18 July 2024 and fly between 1 August 2024 and 25 June 2025.
I suspect that those of us up the Velocity 'food chain' and regular travellers are not going to be offered anything. The offer is too broad ie: for a year of flying. I can plan my regular flights and would go multiple Platinum. Would love to hear differently, seeing as mine said nah nah.
The Frequent Flyer Concierge team takes the hard work out of finding reward seat availability. Using their expert knowledge and specialised tools, they'll help you book a great trip that maximises the value for your points.

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I suspect that those of us up the Velocity 'food chain' and regular travellers are not going to be offered anything. The offer is too broad ie: for a year of flying. I can plan my regular flights and would go multiple Platinum. Would love to hear differently, seeing as mine said nah nah.
Both myself and Mrs Jase received the offer today. Both WP’s and both already re-qualified for next year so whilst I appreciate the offer I don’t really need it
Just received an email from Velocity allowing me to choose between double SCs or double points. Have also already retained my status…

Quite a number of bonus SC offers from VA lately!
I suspect that those of us up the Velocity 'food chain' and regular travellers are not going to be offered anything
I’m plat and have a fairly substantial points balance so I wasn’t expecting anything but I just got the email a few moments ago despite the link showing I was not eligible for the offer earlier today. I’m starting to think it’s not targeted but it’s just the potato server chugging through the accounts.
Both Mr Jones and I have received the offer and I am glad as I have been wondering if this is the new Virgin strategy and was anticipating an offer.
I just missed out on the triple status points for 4 J flights I had booked the day before, and have a number of flights I need to book for the next couple of months which I thought I would just wait and see if there was another status credits offer.
I'm not sure I like the new strategy of these frequent offers for double and even triple status credits.
Those who are loyal and frequent flyers, who book when they need to are more likely to miss out on these bonuses and in some cases may even miss out on retention of their platinum or gold whereas a less loyal or frequent traveller may attain a status they haven't really "earned". I realise the flight sectors requirement will alleviate some of this concern, but still, it isn't that much of a hurdle.
I'm happy for this promo, and like a good little consumer, have changed my booking behaviour (ie to wait for the promo) but many can not and it just makes me a little narky. (rant over!!)
Very surprised to receive the option for double status credits. And with the 18th July deadline for booking, gives plenty of planning time.
Received the offer but I’ve already booked a status run under the TSC offer to get back to SG (in a weeks time) and then I’d need another four sectors to get back to WP… But I guess there’s a bit more time compared with the TSC. Not sure I can be bothered.
As others have stated, wasn’t initially included but received an email just before 6pm with the double status credit offer. Happy with this as the previous triple credit promo along with this one can get me back to platinum and back to the Sydney airport virgin jungle.