Next up we headed north to Wisconsin, more specifically a little town called Onalaska to see some more of the extended family.
Cash fare with AA, including a stopover in Chicago, and a bit of mucking around with flight delays/missed connections. My geekiness with this hobby of ours paid off as we managed to snag an earlier flight to make our onward connection, which in turn ended up being delayed.
Anyway - we made it as planned, with a couple of complimentary wines snuck to us by a friendly FA. Probably helped we were in the last row and bubs was behaving!
No infant safety belt available on either flight which we found a bit odd.
Our hosts (2nd cousins i think we worked out) took us out for a drive around some beautiful lakes/ rivers that feed into the Mississippi. A relaxing couple of days with too many fried cheese curds (delicious!) was had.
But soon it was on the road again. Thanks to the lifemiles/ LH F glitch we had locked in a flight from ORD (Chicago), a 4 hour roadtrip away.
Ticked off the bean (the skyline reminded me a little of the streets surrounding central park in NY), and hit up Pizzeria Uno and Portillo's (hot dogs). Unfortunately neither hit the spot for us but it was a fun 6 or so hours in Chicago - a first visit for both of us