Last prime minister is 4 days shy of getting a prime ministerial pension.
Read that on line, not sure I believe it. Numbers in one paper say $307000 per year for life, plus whatever else like gold cards and an office.
And people thought Julia was vilified.
The difference being gillard was half way competent as PM. Abbott was a great opposition leader, but he was utterly incompetent as PM - totally incapable of getting out of opposition mode and becoming a leader. Incapable of negotiating his legislation through parliament.
As for voting intentions, Xeno-party for me next time, if that happens. Palmer un-tied last time. Pretty easy to vote for comic value when "Mr Fixer" is my MP.
Not sure about you comments about Unions, which are entirely private organisations. Tell me how there is no corruption in big business leaders. Skase, Bondy, that insurance guy? they weren't corrupt? just deeply misunderstood?
Personally, I can't see how that is "apparent" at all (and I wrote nothing remotely like that

) but each to their own perspective. People joining this thread may not have seen the comments in this thread before they got cleaned up by mods, but if they had, they would have seen what I was talking about.
Those howling with indignation at the abuse received by Julia Gillard were strangely quiet when Abbott copped much worse (I'm not entirely restricting that comment to what's been posted historically on AFF).
And why would that be, I wonder? Was it the principle of not liking personal abuse in public discourse, or just the side? How fungible the morals of some are.
That has certainly been my observation that abuse of the left is perfectly acceptable. there seems to be a little bit of group think going on to support this view. For example the suggestion that Gillard wasn't vilified.
Abbott certainly has not copped anywhere near the abuse that Gillard copped. I've yet to see any pictures of Shorten along with a number of the opposition front bench standing in front of a sign that says kill the witch. I'm yet to hear someone say Abbott's dad died of shame. I'm yet to hear someone question the sexuality of Abbott's wife, or even Abbott himself. Or question the legitimacy of Abbott's marriage.
Or to question the clothes he wears (no budgie smugglers are not clothes), or the size of his posterior. Perhaps the way he speaks but that has been fairly limited, compared to the constant attacks on Gillard's accent and mispronunciations.
so far the criticisms of Abbott have been pretty much justified. Incompetent and bumbling. The record pretty much supports that view.
- A budget repair that pretty much left the top 20% of income earners untouched but hurt everyone else, while not really doing much to repair the budget.
- Lack of transparency around so many functions of government. Bit rich to close the doors when you've accused the ALP of backroom dealings
- Increased spending in a budget emergency
- Breaking just about every election promise, when you tried to crucify Gillard over one "promise". So much for honesty.
The list is massive. And yet supporters of the right seem to think that poor old abbott was hard done, especially compared to Gillard
Would that would be the infamous "$80 billion ripped out of health care" I think? The $80 billion that was (and still is) beyond the budgetary forward estimates and never in any Federal Budget? One of the grandiose but completely empty gestures of a former government. Actual money spent on heath care increases under every government - it has to, just to keep up. Money promised in and on the never-never, with no defined means of paying for it, doesn't count, I think.
An example of Abbott's incompetency. Apparently the money didn't exist. But then Abbott/Pyne challenged the ALP to promise to
add it back. sorry how do you
add back something that was never taken?
More recent example: Dutton explaining away his joke because he has been busy stopping the boats. What?

I thought Morrison stopped the boats already. Why is dutton still working hard to stop the boats? Does that mean they haven't stopped? Keywords: Bumbling, keystone cops