Well, I'm finally catching up as I have to record it and watch the next weekend.
I recall it was the last leg back onto US-soil with the last 3 teams, but can’t remember when or where. If I had more time I’d go over the episode notes on Wikipedia and find it.
Completely forgot it was on tonight, and to record it for watching later. Oh well.
Pretty sure it was the second last US season to be broadcast in Oz.
No real need to record it. There is Plus7. They have also replayed it about a dozen times. We watched our recording on Friday night, missed the last 3 minutes because they ran over, jumped onto Plus 7.
Then realised I had to send a DVD of it to New Zealand, quick search of IceTV and it was replayed on Saturday morning.
Pretty sure the current US season also gave an Express pass the same way.
Differences I noted:
- First time they've hidden the envelope. Would've gotten me as well; the clue's always in a box.
-Very soft start; first time the first leg is a non-elimination round.
- More sponsors than usual (which is a good thing for staying on 7 as long as it gets the ratings). Most ad breaks had a sponsor.
Yep definitely the current US season and I think the previous US season as well. They do kind of hide the clues in the US version. Current season they got given a bottle of drink. The had to drink it to see the clue in the bottom. But that clue was pretty hard to miss, the boat was painted, they was a clue flag right next to it and the boat dropped them off at that point.
The thing that got me was the product placement in race, the way they showed the NAB card being used for payment.
I already have my Favourite team (the Big W "mums") and my despised team (won't mention them by name as someone did mention they knew one of the teams and would rather not offend).
(although the penalty is a novel twist on the usual USA version, especially as they don't tend to like advertising how far apart teams arrived now unlike the earlier seasons).
Don't worry the team I "know" is at arms length. Plus they were pretty non-descript the first leg. Hate to say it I'm pretty sure they've used that non-elimination penalty in the US version.
One other thing that struck me is how horrendously racist the teams in general seem to be. The one stand-out cringeworthy factor for me was the teams selling soup in the first episode making fake-accent type attempts to sell to the locals. I'm sure it wasn't on purpose, but it was pretty awful to see (and is possibly why a lot of Australian tourists get such a bad rap overseas).
The only team that made me cringe slightly are the "Entrepreneurs", but you need someone to boo so it's all good.
One in the same team.
Not my favourite team either, and they did badly at the maths for who they claim to be.
Not only failure to count, but also failure to sell! :shock: If that is an indication of their entrepreneurial skill, I can see why they are on the race.