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Frankly both parties are in a battle to sink as low as possible. Dig up Don Chipp I say!!
I see the same people weighing in again.Here we go again. Closing a thread denies both sides to an opinion, so try again. The vitriol seen discussing this and previous topics wasn't pleasant nor was it particularly in the spirit of AFF.
Frankly both parties are in a battle to sink as low as possible. Dig up Don Chipp I say!!
I think you've missed the point. This government provides no information about the boats. The tell us the boats have stopped arriving. I do hope you haven't fallen for those weasel words. That certainly doesn't mean the boats aren't leaving, just that they don't get here. Then we hear the government talk about interception. If the boats have stopped what is being intercepted.
Once intercepted the boat that didn't arrive is towed back and those people are set adrift on the ocean. That seems like a very dangerous action to me. Do you think that no one has died because the government doesn't report the numbers?
Wow. Talk about irrelevance. Talk about something that no one has suggested. Logic fallacy, much? Many people told us that Tony Abbott is the saviour. It seems appropriate to have them review the situation 18 months down the track. How do they rate the performance of their great solution? That sure as hell ain't a suggestion to go backwards. Still dear leader does seem keen to send us back to the 1950s.
I didn't see it as an attack, but rather as a follow up to some robust discussions at the height of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd farce. However, if anyone thinks I am following some spin cycle, mindlessly supporting one party over another, they are very much mistaken.Firstly I intended no attack at all as Skyring appears to understand.
In the interest of fairness and balance, we took the decision this morning to keep this thread open. I'm hoping that comments posted on this thread will not make me regret this decision.
Politics is always emotive, and I ask that you take special care in keeping your posts civil.
If the moderator team feel that things are getting out of hand, this thread will be closed (and action taken against offending individuals, if required).
I am well aware of the current Coalition media strategy regarding border security, and their reasoning for it. And it's working a treat.
I don't know whether anyone has died at sea since the 1200 deaths occurred under the Labor-Green alliance over the course of five years (~240 deaths per year). But if anyone had died in the past year, or any negative information had been received internationally about the welfare of asylum seekers, don't you think refugee advocates and human rights warriors would have found evidence in our globalised media / communications environment and gleefully released this information to the Oz media?
Firstly I intended no attack at all as Skyring appears to understand. Anyone who wants to bring a defamation action is welcome.
It just seemed to me that the misdeeds of this government had gone largely ignored. Whilst those of the previous government were anything but.
As as for the idea of closing the discussion, I am moved to ponder whether that was suggested by the same people last time?
in any respect my feeling is some balance has been restored and kudos to the moderator for leaving it open.
I regret your actions already. How is this thread fair?
If you don't think that singling out and naming two people, starting up a thread "out of the blue' and then accusing them of being unable to post negatives about the current government, when that has proven to be false, then I'm taking a break and logging out from AFF unless I need information for flights.
A shame. I enjoyed sharing my trip reports etc with others.
Where is this 1200 figure from, and what were the stats under the previous coalition government?
And do you also have access to deaths in custody figures - broken down into suicides, murders and medical neglect?
I regret your actions already. How is this thread fair?
If you don't think that singling out and naming two people, starting up a thread "out of the blue' and then accusing them of being unable to post negatives about the current government, when that has proven to be false, then I'm taking a break and logging out from AFF unless I need information for flights.
A shame. I enjoyed sharing my trip reports etc with others.
Well, geez, how can I win?I'm damed either way.I'd suggest a lot of the anti-Gillard sentiment was gender based, as much as people won't want to admit that.
It's not what you know - local branches are full of good potential candidates - it's who you know.If you were to advertise on seek for a politician how would the advert read?
All you need is the gift of the gab,
No business knowledge required
Arts or history degree
Strange decision making a must
and ......
I don't think that any of the alternatives are appealing. How can we make what we've got better?Democracy has failed in terms of delivering fair outcomes for all.
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I don't think that any of the alternatives are appealing. How can we make what we've got better?
.... My major beef with Gillard was the relentless dishonesty. She rarely admitted any error in herself or her government, especially when it was such a shambles that she was removed by her own party in favour of Kevin Rudd, demonstrably one of the worst leaders the ALP has ever had. It was all someone else's fault.
Accurate figures are hard to come by. Here's something reasonably reliable. It shows that hundreds have died, mostly under Labor....