I found this one a bit odd:
Last week, flying melbourne to canberra. Was travelling with a non-status colleague (I'm WP) and selected seats online, sitting together in an exit row, middle and aisle. On the day of travel, another colleague decided to join us. So at check in (at the Valet desk) I asked if No.3 could sit with us in the exit row.
Her response was 'no'... the best I can do is seat you all together down the back.
So we get on the plane, and it turns out that the window seat in our exit row is free. And in the exit row directly behind us, there are two seats free. The plane is only about 70% capacity.
Ask the FA if my colleague (who's 6ft 6) can move. No problem, and he joins us.
Pretty weird that 50 minutes before departure the check-in chick couldn't put the three of us together in the exit row.
Sometimes you just get people who don't try to help.