Up to 35,000 Velocity points for switching to AGL Energy

Was considering going with this deal, however Alinta sent through an email advising of a drop (yes, you read correctly!) of 16% in my electricity rates to 31% below the reference rate. So long as there's no change to the reference rate then we'd be well ahead.

Unfortunately I've found most providers won't tell you what their advance changes are going to be unless you're with them already...would be interested to see if any of the AGL new sign ups (especially in SEQ) have had a similar advance price change advised?
I made the switch back in April to AGL and got the email last week saying the rates will change 1 July to just 2% below reference price. Will definitely switch once the credit runs out if they can’t get to 20% off which some other suppliers are offering.
You'd never believe it, but they only credited me 3,000 points as an "existing" AGL customer (because the system apparently thought I re-contracted from an existing plan).

On the phone to them now, but this is beyond a joke.

Update: Escalated again to resolutions. Have to wait til Friday for an update. At least their previous goodwill offer seems to have come across to my accounts.
I still don't have my points. 45 days for both electricity and gas have long gone. EIGHT calls to AGL to resolve this, each one with a different story given but assurances that I am owed them and to wait for XYZ period of time.

Has anyone received their points before a bill was issued? That's why a few of them keep saying to me - that the bill must be issued first.
Has anyone received their points before a bill was issued? That's why a few of them keep saying to me - that the bill must be issued first.
Yes, my gas points posted on the 5th June but I didn't get my first gas bill from them until the 27th June. Electricity was the other way round though: first bill on the 11th May, points on the 17th May.
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Thanks guys. Now the agent is asking me for my ID partner number (from Velocity). Aside from the membership number I don't believe there is one that the we the client needs to enter. Does anyone recall from their own sign up experience?

(She entered the membership number in this field and it doesn't work.)

Guess who isn't going to be an AGL customer ever again once this is resolved? 🤯
Thanks guys. Now the agent is asking me for my ID partner number (from Velocity). Aside from the membership number I don't believe there is one that the we the client needs to enter. Does anyone recall from their own sign up experience?

(She entered the membership number in this field and it doesn't work.)

Guess who isn't going to be an AGL customer ever again once this is resolved? 🤯
Definitely only supplied my Velocity membership number. I have a screenshot of the form and just checked: member number, first name, last name. That was it.
Thanks, @MattA.

She managed to get the Velocity Membership number to take, she applied the sign up bonus, then applied an addition $50 credit to my account to apologize for the inconvenience. However, the sign up bonus she added was only $100 because that's what is currently on offer. When I pointed out that the offer at the time of me signing up was $150 (I'm in Vic) she said that she can't add any more today and so the inconvenience credit would have to suffice, said goodbye and hung up before I had a chance to say anything else!

So no recompense for the inconvenience (and based on the previous calls, I know I will have to wait 48 hours for the points to be transferred.)

What a way to start off with a new supplier.
Thanks, @MattA.

She managed to get the Velocity Membership number to take, she applied the sign up bonus, then applied an addition $50 credit to my account to apologize for the inconvenience. However, the sign up bonus she added was only $100 because that's what is currently on offer. When I pointed out that the offer at the time of me signing up was $150 (I'm in Vic) she said that she can't add any more today and so the inconvenience credit would have to suffice, said goodbye and hung up before I had a chance to say anything else!

So no recompense for the inconvenience (and based on the previous calls, I know I will have to wait 48 hours for the points to be transferred.)

What a way to start off with a new supplier.
Poor experience, poor AGL.
At least after much of your time wasted you did actually get what you deserved. Should've got some minor comp bonus, alas not total disaster.

Who knows why these dumb errors happen. it's a straight forward process.
What a way to start off with a new supplier.
Sounds like it's time to get a new new supplier then (as soon as the points and credits have posted of course)! I've already switched away from AGL to another provider for cheaper rates, another signup bonus, and cashback. Appreciate that your experience was different, but I was pretty happy with almost 2 months of free electricity plus the points from AGL...
I still don't have my points. 45 days for both electricity and gas have long gone. EIGHT calls to AGL to resolve this, each one with a different story given but assurances that I am owed them and to wait for XYZ period of time.

Has anyone received their points before a bill was issued? That's why a few of them keep saying to me - that the bill must be issued first.
I have received points for both and haven’t had either bill yet.

I had quite a saga with my signup.
Received several contradictory sms and emails within one week.

I ended up contacting their complaints phone number 1800775329 and politely but strongly requesting an email confirmation that I was on Velocity deal with points and credit.

If you haven’t done it already I suggest you contact them on the complaints number not the general number.

Good luck
Had a look at the offer (for NSW) and found a couple of little stings (quite well hidden) in the tail of this (and many other AGL) offer(s).

You MUST take a minimum of 20% Green Energy as part of the deal which the offer estimates will add $1 per day, also the per kWh price seems to factor in the cost of the VFF points (to AGL) vs a non-VFF offer. So roughly an extra $91 per quarter. So the question becomes is this included in the claims to be a discount to the Reference offer?

A bit like comparing a Q airfare without adding the extra cost if you chose (optionally in the Q case) to purchase the carbon offset.

As the Reference offer (or whatever name they give it) NEVER reveals what daily access fee nor per kWh price is used by any retailer to calculate their response to - you cannot actually find out whether the claims made (such as by AGL) as a discount to the reference price is of any benefit for you.

If in disbelief - try contacting any retailer and ask them what daily access fees and kWh prices they used to calculate the reference offer comparison. You can rephrase it and ask "Is the daily acess fee charged in this offer higher or lower than that used in the reference offer?"

The only figure mentioned (that you can track down) is the kWhs used. The daily access fee and per kWh price are not detailed anywhere and are not available even if you waste 50+ hours trying to track them down in a Federal Govt Dept and Authority chase.
Poor experience, poor AGL.
At least after much of your time wasted you did actually get what you deserved.
Well I don't have the points yet. Just another promise that it's "actually gone through" this time (I've heard this twice before!)

I ended up contacting their complaints phone number 1800775329 and politely but strongly requesting an email confirmation that I was on Velocity deal with points and credit.

If you haven’t done it already I suggest you contact them on the complaints number not the general number.

Good luck
Thank you for this, I didn't know there was such a number.

I think I will contact them regardless. If the points come through then I will complain that no inconvenience credit was given. If they don't come though, well then they'll be getting a piece of my mind!
My 3000 points for existing customer on electricity came through within a few days.

My gas was ported over from Origin last week and final bill issued and welcome letter from AGL received. Next bill (first with AGL) is expected in 95-100ish days, I guess it's too soon to expect the points for new gas account?
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For those of you with outstanding points under the sign up bonus points promotion, do not waste your time dealing with AGL or any other utility provider for that matter. Raise a case with the Energy Ombudsmna (similar to the Telecommunications Ombudsman). Like most Ombudsman cases, it will cost the Utility provider something like $50-100 and at the very least will get you their attention and most likely a speedy resolution. Consider the cost that the Utility has to now pay a small fee that you can impose for your time and their poor customer service.

And of course l it goes without saying that we should be adopting the same approach with any Australian Airline (“National Carrrier” according to the Propaganadists) stuffing you around at the first available opportunity by going straight to NCAT.
Well 64 days post sign-up and two escalations later (one each with AGL and Velocity) my 20,000 points have been credited! I also received another "Welcome to AGL" email and then my bill from last month was sent through, so I'm guessing they did some kind of hard reset on my account to get the points through.
Well I don't have the points yet. Just another promise that it's "actually gone through" this time (I've heard this twice before!)

Thank you for this, I didn't know there was such a number.

I think I will contact them regardless. If the points come through then I will complain that no inconvenience credit was given. If they don't come though, well then they'll be getting a piece of my mind!
:mad::mad::mad: FFS they have credited me with 3,000 x 2 as an existing customer, and not 30K as a new one (which I am). Here we go, phone call #9 😤
The ten phone calls I’ve had in the last few days from AGL trying to convince me to go back to them after changing to Red Energy are enough for them to be added to my black list. Some customers might succumb to that type of pressure tactic, but surely the majority of people would think less of the brand after that level of harassment.
The ten phone calls I’ve had in the last few days from AGL trying to convince me to go back to them after changing to Red Energy are enough for them to be added to my black list. Some customers might succumb to that type of pressure tactic, but surely the majority of people would think less of the brand after that level of harassment.
Seems excessive.

Did they offer anything tangible?

What's their reasoning for you returning to them? Carrot?