Alright, besides being stuck at work, it's taken me some time to work through this thread... So here goes:
1/ Red Roo - well done for keeping to your word and updating us as soon as you could. Also well done for clarifying a number of points and sticking around.
2/ Well done to QF for listening to our suggestions in your thread where you asked for suggestions. I do see some relationship between the themes and the new announcements.
The main themes as I recall were suggestions for:
- an Uber-WP level;
- FF/SC earn on JQ;
- a discounted point redemption level for status FF's as opposed to frequent spenders (and not referring to additional award availability).
- replacement benefits for WP to distinguish WP from SG.
3/ On WP1 - I'll never reach it, but you have reacted to something that a number of super-WPs wanted. Good job.
4/ JQ earn.... Fair enough, still doesn't make me want to fly JQ if I can help it.
5/ Extra status and cabin earn..... I've said numerous times that WP/SG/PS should have a tiered discount redemption rate so that real frequent flyers aren't disadvantaged by frequent spenders. And we all agree that frequent flyers should be rewarded more than frequent spenders.
Your approach I guess tries to address this from the other end by simply increasing the points earn potential of status members, rather than giving them discounts on the redemption side of the equation.
Unfortunately - like many others, I earn a lot of my WP status at the back of the bus - therefore the new structure fails to really give me anything extra..... I'm left still asking for the same discounted redemption rates or something else to reward my WP standing over and above SG status.
Yes you've tried to address the opposite side of the equation but have not done it in an equitable manner.
The result - I still see benefits being diluted, and the tradeoff doesn't seem to be there for me.
Sorry - it's not whinging, it's just an acknowledgement that the changes have failed to get me excited and feeling more loyal

Bottom line - when I fly in whY as a WP - i get nothing more. Nada, zero, zip, zilch.....
All translated equals "will consider DJ for this next flight" (or NZ or similar). Something that for my next several transpacifics I may actually consider looking elsewhere.
6/ Loyalty bonus
My first reaction was "whatever".
My second reaction is "hang on"!! Are you going to wipe my accrued loyalty bonus earn every year when I fail to reach the next milestone??
In summary Red Roo - I was going to score you an 8/10 on these changes, (giving you the benefit of the doubt on future upgrade improvements).
But I'm now giving you a 5.1/10.
It's barely a pass-mark because there are some improvements, particularly for SG and uber WPs (which I am neither).
That said - I reserve the right to reassess you into negative scoring territory (and direct more spend elsewhere) if I discover more benefits being eroded to my current status level.