Day 10 Milwaukee
Had selected a window seat when I booked the Alaskan flight in the hope that i'd be able to get some sleep. (didn't work), and saw that my luck with spare seats had run out. A couple had already parked themselves in the middle and aisle seats, and when I moved in to my seat, the husband in the aisle vanished to another aisle seat a row back from his wife. I guess they hoped I would be a no show and they would get a row between the 2 of them.
As the plane was taxiing, I noticed a concerning development. The lady in the aisle had slipped her shoes off, and then tucked her legs half under herself. Reading the play, there was no way I was going to put up with feet being anywhere near my vicinity, so against all FAA rules, I grabbed my backpack from under the seat in front of me, and put it in the middle seat, leaving her in no doubt the feet were not going to be entertained.
I landed at O'Hare at about 6.10am, and knew that a coach would leave to Milwaukee at 6.45. I had booked the 8.45, as I knew the connection would be tight. Missed the 6.45 by about 5 minutes, which meant a 2 hour wait in the coach terminal. Fortunately wifi was available, as I fought off the desire to sleep. Nodded off for about 10 minutes on the coach, and after about an hour we started to reach the outer limits of Milwaukee.
Coming in from the south, my thoughts were what a dump. Nothing much changed my perception as we continued in to the Amtrak station, jumped in a cab, and then up to the Park East Hotel. A little more expensive than the $150 I aimed for, a not overly friendly receptionist, however a room was available, and I was able to check in at 10.30am.
Had a shower, and out I set, firstly to the waterfront, where my perceptions soon started to change. Some snaps, bit of a look around, then headed to downtown. A bit of exploring, impressed by the architecture of the city, then headed to the Riverwalk.
A leisurely stroll down both sides, a reminder of my childhood TV viewing, then a relaxing late lunch on the river. Ordered the Milwaukee staple of cheese curds, but unfortunately the restaurant had none available.
Headed back towards the hotel, found myself once again at the top of Juneau Park and the War Museum.
i had planned to go to the Harley Davidson Museum, however seemed a bit of a mission to get there, and also in a not so great part of town, so instead strolled along the waterfront for a few hours, Quite relaxing and pleasant in the late afternoon, plenty of boats out on the water, gentle breeze, was perfect. Headed back to the hotel, bit of TV, then caught up on some sleep.