I see devaluation in (at least) two waysI mean we don't disagree at all. But that's completely separate to the point that availability is definitely not a factor of value that Vic is arguing.
That's the only point I am arguing against.. which is silly for the exact reason that it is both subjective AND not unreasonable that availability is a factor (or that there are other factors) in value.
But yeah these arguments are pointless. Whenever I say one thing people just jump in with so many unrelated things shutting me down lol, forgetting that I am a fan of velocity too.
Devaluation of points = Example - It was 42,000 points to get a business rewards flight from Perth to Sydney. Now they have changed the redemption rate and it will now be 50,000 points so I have to use more points for the same thing. My points have been devalued!
Devaluation of use of points (1) = Example - Last year there would usually be 2 business class seats available for business rewards which meant me and my +1 could travel together to destinations and be able to enjoy the comforts of business class together working around availability. Now there's at most only 1 business class reward availability meaning me and my +1 need to travel on separate flights making the flight less enjoyable (some may see this as a positive, hey !

Devaluation of use of points (2) = I have all these points and there's no rewards seats available! These points will get a me a toaster! Can you believe a toaster I can get off ebay for $29 and it's 150,000 points! That 150,000 could have got me Perth and back multiple times in business class! Seriously 150,000 for $29 !!! My points have be devalued!