Hi one and all, I'm a newbie to this forum having only just discovered it searching around for the dirt on some of Vinomofo's deals yesterday! I've been buying wine on-line for quite a few years and like most of you have had my share of ahem, "regrettable purchases", have dealt with Winebox Warehouse, GWD, Cloudwine, Glug, Winemarket, Nick's, Starwine et al and most recently Vinomofo in the last year or two. My most recent purchase, the Black market 2014 GSM aka Rosemount Little Berries GSM was, to be honest, another average wine having been touted as something pretty extraordinary on the 'Fo. Anyway, sorry to butt in on the thread, I just wanted to break the ice and join the throng....
Welcome, looks like the usual suspects for online wine purchases.