On Friday 30 March 2019, VA68, the 1950 hours HKG to MEL did not depart until 2125 with VH-XFG shortly to arrive (Saturday 30) at 0924 hours, 54 late.
Also on Saturday, VA1529 (B738 VH-VOT, the 0630 hours HBA - SYD that did not become airborne until 0810) is arriving at 0945 hours, 85 late.
The 0600 OOL - SYD VA500 (VH-VUQ) was airborne at 0730 so delayed arrival is likely at 0946, 76 minutes late.
The 0600 hours BNE down to SYD, VA908, took off at 0736. VH-VOS should be at its destination gate at 0957, 82 late.
VA476, the 0630 hours MCY - SYD was in the sky at 0745, with VH-VYD arriving at a suggested 1017 hours, 72 late.
VA815, the 0730 hours MEL - SYD was up up and away at 0832 so arrival should be at 0946, 51 late.
Some of these delays may be carryover from yesterday's smoke on the ground floor of the Sydney ATC control tower caused by a faulty airconditioning unit, although the Sydney weather is rainy with far more expected today.