VA1361 (Monday 24 June, the 0620 hours LST - MEL airborne on time at 0631) is arriving at 0750, half an hour late with B738 VH-VUP as it had to deviate via north of Foster, Vic account MEL congestion.
The 0555 hours BNE - MEL took off in a timely fashion at 0608 but VH-VUZ's arrival will be delayed until approximately 0852, 32 late.
VA206 (VH-YFS, the 0635 hours ADL - MEL airborne on time at 0648) is holding south of Bendigo so if MEL remains open - fog is a threat - arrival should be at 0902 hours, 37 late.
B738 VH-VOP on VA401, first of the morning at a scheduled 0600 hours from ADL to SYD was in the sky at 0628, about 15 late, but arrival is delayed until 0905, 45 late.
VA811 (A332 VH-XFC, the 0700 hours MEL up to SYD) was airborne at 0735 with arrival an expected 50 minutes tardy at 0915 hours.
The OOL down to MEL VA726 has VH-VUH and should arrive at 0945, 50 late. VA730 (VH-VUT) is another OOL - MEL that is arriving 50 late at 1205 hours.