That's probably why share price alone is rarely an indicator of the value of a business (but you're right, it sure doesn't look good).
At one point HD's share capitalization made it compareable to General Motors despite GM being a much much larger company by revenue..
The volume of trade on VA's (rather thin float, since 90% is owned by ETH, VG, HNA, SQ etc) shares is amazing.
The investor report on the downgrading of their outlook was interesting for a variety of reasons. For example (and this is just a few days ago) - one of the assumptions is that Brent Crude for 2021 is at $55 and at the moment it's already 10% below that figure and the trend is dropping.
The key public points seem to be - can VA execute on what it needs to do (manage costs), bring its debt cover back under 6.0x and keep its liquidity (i.e the fine balancing act between its bank accounts, its banks and its shareholders)