Just on this broad debate about QFFs uses and goals of "average" members - didn't QFF recently say that 76% or something of points were tedeemed for flights? Now we don't know the mux of CR vs p+p - but QFF of course is aspirational.
Same with the woolies tie in. I have a friend who is a truly infrequent flyer. Two kids, mortgage etc... she was collecting QFF via woolies and other linked things purely aspirationally. A few years back when some people were predicting QF's demise, she cashed in 200k of QFF for shopping vouchers. I think she then switched to the cashback option. No idea if she has any QFF links now. Is she "average" for a semi engaged member? I know she had an idea to save up and take her girls somewhere.
I think there are so many members with differing goals, perspectives and aspirations we simy can't "pigeon-hole " people with anything more than the most general or generalisations.
We here on AFF joke about toasters, but even if 3/4 of points are redeemed on flights, there's still billions of points redeemed on hotels, vouchers, wine and yup, toasters.
Of course with the membership of programs like woolies rewards, BP and whathaveyou, I am sure that just like majority of QFF members redeem on QF's core product of flights, majority of those program members focus on tgeir core products. Again, thise mebers will have their own priorities or goals only a smaller number(likely) will include QFF earning. Same with the hotel programs and all the rest.