And your opinion on climate change is full of facts.
I don't agree with the current push for climate change. It shouldn't be funded by the end user. If you want people to stop using fossil fuels then give them an alternative without asking them to fund the research.
It can't be that difficult. Can it?
My opinion is formed from what I've read, the information I've gather. Based on facts and information. When you state your opinion that weather records have only been kept for 100 years, I go and research the question "how long have weather records been kept?" That research brings up things like Babylonians have recorded weather details back in 900 BC, Greeks doing in back in 400 BC, plus the rest. Based on that information I then form an opinion that weather records have been kept for longer than 100 years. So I feel my opinion is well founded in facts.
By contrast you have stated an opinion and refuse to explain the information that has resulted in that opinion. I will then judge your opinion accordingly and with reference to the information I've found. I am certainly not asking you to change your opinion.
As for facts about the other stuff read the links provided in thread, if you wish. Or just stick to your opinion. But please stop trying to attack me because i like to base my opinion on information.
Now as for the rest, IMO, there seems to be a misunderstanding of the issues involved. There is no "push for climate change." I'm not even sure what that means.
No one is asking you to pay for research either. Solar and nuclear power are well developed energy sources that can be deployed immediately, without research. Lower pollution energy sources cost more. Things like taxes and an ETS are designed to increase the cost of cheap, high pollution power sources to make the lower pollution sources cost comparable. That encourages people to reduce pollution.
This is only as difficult as one wishes it to be.
While my original topic has gone out the door i ask why don't we have nuclear power plant/s in OZ? to reduce coal emissions?.
On a recent trip overseas on 2 separate occasions met a retired german guy who used to design nuclear power plants and another who is an engineer and currently works in one (USA) both said the failures to date were old plants with poor design.
The short answer is anti-nuclear politics bred from the anti-bomb movement and weak willed politicians.
I'd challenge any other industrial process to not suffer a catastrophic failure when a 20m wall of water washes over the process. The early tv footage following the great east japan earthquake feature reporters standing in front of a burning oil refinery, that burned for a long time.
Radiation from Fukushima has not killed anyone. The radiation releases have required significant amounts of work, but are not immediately life threaten or even life threatening over a couple of years. But we have people out there scaring the population. More people in the Fukushima area have died following the earthquake because of social factors, than were killed by the tsunami.