So you're saying china has no right to industrialise? No Medhead - it is you who say that. Please see me answering YOUR questions - my answers shown in blue.
My point was in answer to many of your statements about the importance of an Australian Carbon tax (rorts & all) in stopping global warming (a natural cycle that has been happening since before creatures came out of the oceans.)
Australia's action is a fraction of a rounding error when the impact of countries such as India and China for example are considered. I provided (early in this thread) the links to the EIA HARD data on CO2 generation - I encourage all to go and look at the reality of CO2 emissions - not the uninformed spin by political parties and vested interest groups who's very survival is dependent on the public teat.
"China's increase in coal fired power station emissions have increased 450% since Dec 2002 (period ending 31.12.2011 are the latest figures I can find - and there are over 18 new coal power stations commissioned since then btw)."
It is very interesting that you don't mention how much nuclear power china is installing as well.
I did not mention the nuclear as the thread topic is the carbon increase and taxes thereon. Nuclear whilst causing huge carbon emissions in its construction does not noticeably emit during operation (maintenance causes minor carbon emissions).
I would happily welcome your contribution in providing some hard data on nuclear power generation capacity currently operating in China, currently under construction in China and abandoned in China. Please provide the hard data to advance your discussion. I suppose I could say it is very interesting that you do not provide any data on how much nuclear power China is installing - making vague unsubstantiated statements is more a political obfuscation practice rather than a true debating approach.
They are certainly taking steps to reduce the impact of their advancement.
Well funny you should say that - what steps are they taking?
Did you know, for example in the 5-year plan two ago USD4bn was spent rehabilitating a 15km stretch of river in the far West that abutted one of the major cities. The water quality pre-spending was rated at the lowest possible scale - it killed any living thing it was used for, gave off noxious fumes and had a dead zone stretching either side of the river bank to a depth of over 1km.
Post spending the water quality was improved to unfit for human consumption but acceptable for some agricultural uses. In the subsequent 5 year plan there was no more funding provided. Within 6 weeks the water quality was back to the lowest level. The factories stopped treating their effluent (as required under the previous 5-yr plan progam), all the 'inspectors lost their jobs and there was no compliance authority left in existence. This is the reality that is China.
Perhaps that is why China is now the largest landowner in sub-Saharan Africa, 2nd only to the Brazilian Govt in South America and rising rapidly in the Australian ranking. USD4bn buys a lot of land - and that was just one 'pollution' project.
Similarly they spent >USD12bn and built several dozen sewerage plants in that same 5 year plan (as a fund manager it was highly profitable to invest in the mainly French companies involved in their design and technology licensing AND very useful being able to talk to senior people from those companies who were on the ground in China).
First blush - wonderful idea, increased the volume of sewerage treatment capacity by a little over 11% (from memory) over that 5 year period.
HOWEVER, like many centrally planned systems, there was a major flaw, there was no funding for their operation in that 5 year plan nor in the subsequent one. Actually there was not even any money for their maintenance nor to guard them as mothballed facilities. One of the French companies went back to do the post-commissioning 'warranty' maintenance for the 7 they were involved with and found the sewerage was indeed being pumped into them but the overflow gates were open at EVERY plant and the sewerage flowed straight into the rivers untreated. They did not find any security staff, at a couple of the plants they found that they had been stripped of all 'useful' equipment such as telephone handsets, the ovens out of the staff kitchens, light fittings, even the large window glass sheets had been taken. The best example though was the hurricane wire had been stripped from the entire perimeter fence at one plant but they left it on the two main gates - at least the local party officials had a sense of humour.
Why shouldn't china support each person with the same pollution output that is used to support the lifestyle of someone in Australia?
That was the question I left for you and others to answer actually? Can you please answer the question?
This comes right down to one of the crucial issues - hypocrisy - live as we say not as we do!