Again what is your point. We are talking about Australia reducing its pollution. At the moment Australia is one of the highest polluting nations per capita. The premise that Australia should do nothing implies that level of polluting per capita is acceptable. The obvious question is why do you deny China the right to just as much pollute per person? China has just as much right to move beyond an agrarian based economy and that means more demand for electricity.
The fact remains China is talking steps to limit pollution in the context of modernising their economy. China has 50-70 times the population of a Australia and comparatively they pollute less than Australia. That's is without ever assigning pollution from manufacturing in china of goods consumed in Australia.
But the simple facts remain:
We are talking about reducing Australian pollution
China is taking steps to reduce pollution
China pollutes less per capita.
China has a much large population to support.
As with a few pages ago you point about china is invalid and ignores what is really happening.
A city along the Yangtze River near the southwestern municipality of Chongqing sees the uglier side of China's fast-growing economy.
Credit: Jean-François Tremblay/C&EN
The point is that comparing Apples with Oranges to try and prove one's claims is insulting. That is the action, more frequently than not, of politicians and their spin doctors.
You have yet again made an erroneous claim - "
We are talking about reducing Australian pollution"
Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. The carbon tax did not and does not reduce pollution =
A good first step would be to acknowledge your mistake. That is far preferable than an ever deepening journey into semantics.
China is number one or number two for every industry listed in the table except for Petroleum Refineries (at the moment)
China is taking steps to reduce pollution" - China is increasing its emissions of 'classified' pollutants year-on-year. Health issues are increasing and are seeing widespread rebellion in the rural areas where corrupt party officials are confiscating land for 'new' factories' that fail to meet emission/pollution requirements set by western countries. But then again here in NSW we have the ongoing 'mistakes' by Incitec (Port Botany and Newcastle) to name but one.
"OECD estimates that unless the current trend is changed, by 2020 air pollution will lead to 600,000 premature deaths annually in Chinese cities. Citing data from the
Chinese Ministry of Health,
OECD says 300 million rural residents already lack access to safe drinking water.
The 340-page report also says China consumes resources inefficiently.
It finds that the country "generates more pollution and consumes more resources per unit of GDP than OECD averages." China is aiming to quadruple its GDP between 2000 and 2020, but the country "requires commensurate strengthening of environmental management and finance so that economic growth is environmentally sustainable," the report says.
Polluting China Some big names in the chemical industry appear on a list of those cited for water pollution in China
- The net pollution position of China has worsened every year since 1990 -
You say that China is 50-70 times Aust's population, so 1/50th of 1.28m annual deaths in China from air pollution (alone, not including water pollution related deaths, chemical pollution deaths etc) is on that basis a number between 18,200 and 25,600. The actual figure calculated for Autralia in the same study was 1,483. So on an air pollution basis (emissions remember) China is killing their population at a rate 14 to 18 times more per capita than Australia.
Please stop making such outlandish claims. You never did answer the question about the Parrot and your questions?
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Since the inaugural report on pollution in China the per capita pollution generation has deteriorated (amount generated per capita has increased by estimated 2.6 to 3.9x).
That is the main game for not only China but the world.
To create incentives for companies to shift their production to a lower environmental protection and low to no true pollution controls (other than deposits to Singapore Bank Accounts) ie the Australian Carbon Tax - is irresponsible. It costs jobs in Australia and worsens the outcome for the entire planet.
Erroneous Claim "
China pollutes less per capita" - really you need to stop inventing storylines for the Working Dogs "Utopia" series.
see OECD reports cited above - China's pollution per unit of GDP vs OECD averages. Now since their GDP growth is running around 2 to 3 times that of the OECD that means the pollution generation is actually 2 to 3 times that of the OECD average.