I read this one-sided story. The main gripe with Al Gore seems to be the following :-
"On February 24, 1994, Ted Koppel revealed on his Nightline program that Vice President Gore had called him and suggested that Mr. Koppel investigate the political and economic forces behind the “antienvironmental” movement. In particular, Vice President Gore had urged Mr. Koppel to expose as fact that several U.S. scientists who had voiced skeptical views about greenhouse warming were receiving financial support from the coal industry and/or groups such as the Lyndon Larouche organization or Reverend Moon’s Unification Church."
I personally would be very suspicious of scientists been paid to seemingly follow the company line, but Ted Koppel's response was :-
"Is this a case of industry supporting scientists who happen to hold sympathetic views, or scientists adapting their views to accommodate industry?”
Good point, but like the old "Doctors Smoke Camels" campaign, I think it would be wise to consider motives.