AI is a technology. It is not a science.
But what cheesed me off yesterday was ladies driving white Hyundai i30s.
Example 1. Driving down Bulcock street Caloundra. Very slow. but also stopped at every pedestrian crossing even though no pedestrians at any of the crossings. At the 2 speed humps she slowed to a crawl, then stopped on top of the hump before letting gravity taking her car of the hump. Fortunately she pulled over.
Example 2. Soon after the next pulled straight out of a side street onmy left. She obviously wanted to test my reflexes as when Bulcock street widens I signalled I was going into the right lane. As soon as i straightened up in the right lane she pulled over straight in front of me without signalling. A short time later she realised she wanted to be in the left lane to go to the supermarket. This time she indicated herdesre and waited for a gap to actually pull over. So I missed the green light but was the first at the red.
Example 3. I thought I was in the clear but I forgot about the law of 3s. Those turning left from the road on the left have a green arrow before the main road gets the green. You guessed it another i30 driven by a woman. Now I realised what was going to happen when we got to the large roundabout where I turn onto te Nicklin way. She didn't let me down leaving a large gap to the car in front of her so more cars could pullm into the right lane. Then at the roundabout just stopped until she could see no cars coming. Most of the cars coming into Caloundra went straight ahead and didn't go past us. Fortunately she went straight ahead.
When I got a red light at Currimundi I realised it was another white i30 just in front of me in the left lane. However the power of the Law of 3s meant she kept to her ane.