I was almost not going to post anything… but I’m all about transparency and honesty. And it gives plenty the chance to say “yesss!!! They’ve got it!!! Now they’ll learn!!!!”.
I packed about 10 RATs from Australia to bring to South Africa with the plan of doing one every 2 days. Did one this afternoon, poured a Klipdrift and hit the timer. After ten minutes, the T line very slightly appears…. Surely not. Wait 2 hours and do it again, same result. Spend 15 minutes going “do I have a cough? I don’t think I do”. Run to the pharmac_ and buy a thermometer, 20 tests later it’s still 36.9 degrees. Maybe I have a slightly sore throat? I had that before my PCR in Sydney though. I also spent 24 hours flying down here, that always leaves me feeling a little unwell.
I’ll go for a PCR tomorrow. If that’s positive, zero isolation requirements in South Africa for those who are asymptomatic. Already spoken to an online doctor who has said just send it through and I’ll get a recovery certificate. Saves the stress for the return home test!
I mean, maybe in the next few days I’ll get horribly sick and dragged off to a South African hospital (those who would like this, feel free to respond with haha!), however I suspect I’ll be just fine.