I do not see how age is a major driving factor for solo travel?
Young, healthy, not a single care in the world, invincible, no fear of danger, looking for romance or casual hookups, no problems to worry about, no commitment. They work and have enough for their annual vacation to enjoy. They don't care about holidaying in luxury, they just want to have a good time.
With age comes greater wealth and knowledge so actually makes solo travel more affordable and comfortable.
Not really true, with lots of financial commitment; not everyone has a well paid job and a heavy bank account. Young people might have learnt a lot more tips and tricks through connection with a wider street-wise travel community. Mature travellers mostly book tours and go with what was offered.
I fully intend to still be travelling solo when I reach retirement.
I wish you all the luck to be able to.
I was also looking forward to my long-awaiting retirement so we could make the RTW trip; but life has dealt me a terrible blow before it came, with not only emotional but also physical trauma, hence my lack of confidence and vulnerability. It's been a long road but I'm on the mend, thanks to work which keeps the mind busy, eventhough I'm past age pension.
Latawiec is right in saying that the older democraphic is more fragile in every sense, with the need for seniors to travel together, as the thinking and values differ so much from the younger generations. Having said that, joining a group tour doesn't always warrant an enjoyable holiday. As with any relationship, there needs to be chemistry between people to create a good atmosphere and solo people should only be congregated with singles. Regardless of age, a spouse can always feel jealousy if their partner pays attention to the single party and eventually, the third wheel will be left out by themselves, among couples.
Joy is subject to one's priority; if the emphasis is on the destination, then yes, you don't need company to enjoy.
Destinations are only an excuse to travel and one part of the whole process for me and my husband to be together; there was no reason to leave home without one another.
Joy comes when I'm able to share my thoughts with someone of the same mind, not constantly fighting, criticising nor telling me what to do, wear or eat, with such condescending words, reason why I don't choose my existing friends as travel companions.