What's your prediction on the Australian Dollar?

I managed to buy USD1500 at 0.76 through World First this morning WA time.

What happens when/if Trump is voted in? I would have thought they'd be a USD sell off due to uncertainty and therefore AUD would edge higher?

I've seen a commentator on Fairfax suggest a Trump presidency was better for markets. The early rally on our dollar was apparently markets factoring in a Clinton win.
What happens when/if Trump is voted in? I would have thought they'd be a USD sell off due to uncertainty and therefore AUD would edge higher?

The uncertainty is always in the lead up to the election, not after the result is known. The fact that there is a clear winner creates certainty and you should expect the USD to rise. Forget the BS media and "expert" analyst talk - they have a great record at being wrong yet they behave the same way every time, and continue to get it wrong. Gold will go the opposite direction - it has been rising since last week on the uncertainty but is now starting its slide - as it nearly always does after a US election.

Our market (predictably) plunged along with the S&P futures earlier today but the SPI is now up about 200 points off its lows. Likewise the S&P 500 plunged to around 2030 but is now back to around 2100 i.e only 40 points off its recent high. Expect the SPI to get to 5400 in a matter of days (well above what it has been). It is the same knee jerk as we see all the time, most recently with Brexit. The markets will recover quickly and move to new highs.

If you haven't already bought your $USD then you've probably missed the boat.
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The uncertainty is always in the lead up to the election, not after the result is known. .
That's all well and good, but it really depends on whether Trump does as he has promised, ala Rodrigo Duterte.
That's all well and good, but it really depends on whether Trump does as he has promised, ala Rodrigo Duterte.

That's where you just don't understand markets / fear / greed / uncertainty and history. The reality is that the US market was always going to get back to normal quite quickly after the election irrespective of whether Clinton or Trump won!! It is not dependent on who wins.
Interesting with the upcoming Global Recession imposed by the 1 or 2 percent of the American public on how forex markets will react for at least the next 4 years.
Interesting with the upcoming Global Recession imposed by the 1 or 2 percent of the American public on how forex markets will react for at least the next 4 years.

Pretty much the same way as always I suspect.

The old rule of thumb for the AUD/USD was OECD growth rate.

  1. Above 3% buy and hold.
  2. If growth rate revised up - buy more for a trade
  3. If growth rate revised down - sell for a trade.
  4. If below 3% sell unless interest rates are close to a bottom (end of cycle).

Then it switched to rate of Chinese growth but the 3% figure became something different...

Works well but not for intra-day, daily or weekly - more for real trades not pot luck.
While I am a shareholder of the Big 4 banks I must tell you that you should look elsewhere for your currency. NAB at 0.69 on the internet when the trading is at 0.7330 is a wealth hazard.
$43 USD per $1,000 AUD is a serious shredding of your hard earned money if you worked and saved.
Converting USD --> AUD

Currencyfair just quoted me 0.74299 whereas I just got 0.73982 from a local Australian ATM

I'm a member of the I would like to see a steady 0.70.... eventually

Happy wandering

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