I've been using Uber (mainly UberX) for just under 2 years. Prior to this I've used Taxis, including the 'GoCatch' app (which I still use for MaxiTaxi bookings).
When Uber turned 5 in May, they shot through an email - and apparently in 17 months I've taken 102 trips - so you could say I'm a convert.
I've used Uber Black and UberX (Melbourne), UberTaxi, UberXL and UberX (Honolulu), UberPool and UberX (San Fran), UberX (London) and UberX (LA).
Of the 120-130 trips I've now taken, I've had 2 issues (both in Melbourne) involving erratic driving or not knowing how to get to the airport from St Kilda - each time Uber support was in contact (as I'd rated the driver 3 or less with a reason for the low rating) and they have either refunded half of the trip fare or provided a $25 credit.
The pros definitely are: clean cars, knowledgable drivers from a variety of backgrounds (former police officers, entrepreneurs, new immigrants, etc), the offer of water or mints, availability (I have had very few issues getting one within 4-5 mins in the Melbourne CBD or inner suburbs - even at 3.30am!), free rides (for referring others), the willingness to do short trips (e.g. $7-) and a complete trip history contained within the app or online.
The only
con (for me) is the surge pricing - however if you're prepared to wait 30 minutes it's simply a matter of setting up an alert in the app to let you know when the surge period is over. For those not living in the inner suburbs, UberX is pretty much unavailable.
A few examples: In HNL recently and travelled from the airport to Waikiki - multiple bags. When we checked in, a friend realised he'd left his satchel with passports, etc in the car. As I had the UberTaxi's direct phone number, we were able to call the driver straight away and he dropped the belongings off within 4 hours without charge (but was given a hefty tip!)
I can leave pretty much any Melbourne venue in the early hours and book an UberX, bypassing either the 5 taxis in the queue, or the 50 patrons waiting for a taxi, and be in an UberX within 5 minutes - there's no 'long way home' because I'm not paying attention, given that the trip is recorded and can be reviewed the next day. A trip from Collingwood to St Kilda will cost $25-$28 for a taxi or $16-$18 for an UberX.
I can book an UberPool from SFO to downtown and share with another passenger and save 50% on the cost of the ride if I'm prepared to take another 10-15 minutes to get to my destination (unless, of course, you're the first to get dropped off!).
I receive a notification when the car is arriving (and can track it on the screen) - no need to step out of my door until they arrive.
I can book a $7 trip and it's accepted (rather than the cab door being locked, 'where are you going?', and screeching off in the opposite direction).
I can book for a friend or relative with my app, and have them transported from their home to another destination which is a great feature for family (have used this for my niece).
There's a lot of bad publicity about innovative breakthrough services such as Uber - not too dissimilar to the brouhaha following the introduction of the automobile (
Uber isn’t the first to disrupt the transit space — and it won’t be the last | Financial Post)... I'm pretty sure the Uber horse has bolted and the politicians are currently trying to shut the stable door, rather than use a few lumps of sugar and a harness.