I now have a preference for UBER and all the discount vouchers from DiDi expire without being used.
- UBER cars nicer, newer, cleaner, all except one occasion, driver gets out and assists with luggage both ends of journey.
- requested DiDi ride to airport during a busy part of the day, after a lengthy delay, the app came back with your driver will arrive in 47 minutes. Cancelled the ride and tried UBER, your driver will arrive in 14 minutes, a couple dollars dearer.
- requested DiDi ride and tiny little car turned up that looks like on last legs, dirty inside, driver with BO
- requested DiDi to airport driver turned up, didn't get out of his seat while I put luggage in boot, car scruffier than I am used to, didn't get out of his seat at the airport and I retrieved my luggage myself and he drove off without so much as a "see-ya".