I guess I am a bit different to several responders here.
While I absolutely am not a very frequent flyer in the league of many on here I have travelled to 70+ countries on 32 or so airlines and have seen a lot that convinces me that the overriding fact is all perceptions of safety are subjective and all journeys are not the same.
Each flight is operated by a crew that changes usually by sector and made up by a number of individuals of varied capabilities who have good days and bad days.
Regardless of how young or old an aeroplane frame is, thorough or lax maintenance regimes are, mechanical apparatus fails (QF32, QF30), computers have glitches and operations rely on thousands of imperfect backend personnel (UA811)
Even if I'm flying on the safest aircraft with the safest airline with the most competent crew, an idiot can cross the runway in front of our flight in the process of takeoff and landing.
I have personally observed safety issues on LH and EK whereas I have not personally seen any on MH.
I know from the media there have been very serious issues in the past and allegedly still are occasionally with TT but not personally observed them.
QZ8501 & AF447 dropped into the sea with a total loss of life, but 10s of thousands of passengers fly with them every day unscathed and seemingly without the ongoing media barrage that MH has suffered.
I regularly read at least weekly of EK unpredictable manoeuvres and near misses at various airports around the world.
There are plenty of examples of pilot error causing incidents minor to fatal in almost every airline.
But will any of those things happen to me on my flight today? And what is the likelihood given the stats that show being driven to the airport is many times more unsafe than flying on any airline.
At any minute of any day of any week there are of the order of 1,000,000 passengers sitting in an airline seat flying through our skies.
My rational mind says what will happen will happen regardless of my choices so just book it.
My less rational mind overrides that occasionally and says perhaps I won't fly GA or SU or JS or most of the intra-African airlines that aren't OW or *A.
If MH have a $400 return airfare to anywhere in Asia again next week, I will probably buy it.