I cruise quite a bit, and I would be beside myself if this happened to me in an inside cabin. We rarely take insides these days - once you’ve had a balcony it’s very hard to go back, but we have occcasionally considered an inside to make a long voyage more affordable. Poeople often say ‘ well really how long do you ever spend in your cabin so it’s not worth getting a balcony (wrong in our case, we are antisocial)?’ In this case, far too long. Never again, I will always bear this in mind when booking a cruise. And yes, the kennel cough is so common. We did a 59 day circle pacific a few years back and everyone had it.
Moreover, have you seen the photos of the food they are getting. My husband would certainly jump overboard. The food on Princess is pretty bad at the best of times, but we always eat ashore. Yea Gods, what a nightmare.