Because you're suggesting institutional investors have information that is not available to everyone. Briefings are released to the market.
Where did I say that they had access to more information? I said they had more insight. There is a difference. To quote Oxford dictionary definition of insight:
The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something:]
I stand by my original comment. Analysts and fund managers of funds that have chosen to invest in QF, would have a different insight to the company than the average person reading The Age, ABC, or Not necessarily because they have access to different information, but because they have greater expertise to to understand and interpret the information that they are receiving, and greater interest in analysing each piece of information in depth, rather than relying on essentially the "headline" stuff that is reported in public media.
Just because I've read a couple of news articles and a few ASX statements, doesn't give me insight into what is really going on in the company, it gives me an idea that is all. I wonder how many people signing the petition to remove AJ (or even just advocating his removal) have read each and every QF ASX statement and the QF annual report in detail, or just "going with the flow" based on what they hear?
To share my personal views on AJ's performance - I really am not in a position to judge whether he should stay or go, I have not invested enough time and effort, and really don't have the expertise, to understand what is really going on and whether QF's future is as bad as commentators in the media (and here on AFF) make out. It
seems that he has not performed well, and mismanaged the PR aspects of the job, but who knows - he may be the right person to continue with the current set of changes, and then the board brings in someone else to drive the business forward. However, I would expect that those managing funds with substantial holdings in QF would invest the time and effort to understand what is really going on and would have the expertise to make that call, and exert appropriate pressure as needed.