Whilst a big fine, think it was known, and the company made almost $200m for the last half
Yes the fine should have been known about or at least that is was coming and had been delayed to just a few days before Xmas to decrease its adverse impact. GE had been advised of it some months earlier apparently. Curiously enough I can not find one french analyst/broking house who has written about it. Funny that!
The Alstom results presentation shows that the South African project 'win' and the Australian Project wins accounted for the bulk of their order book wins.
They also sold of some of their 'crown jewels' as their banks demanded it in order to continue funding. Raised just under EUR 600m with those sales in 2014/15.
Unfortunately there are some intriguing questions being pursued by a couple of South African papers into the awarding of that project. Especially into a close relative of a leading ANC official. Worth having a look at if you are interested.
And for some reason their 2014/15 Annual report and presentation to analysts/fund managers DID NOT MENTION the US fine nor admissions made.
If not for the sale of the bulk of their business (power) to GE then even without the delay for paying the US fine they were in breach of their financial covenants. They actually wiped out nearly EURO 1 billion from shareholders' funds in 2014/15 and increased their net debt despite running down cash significantly. Have a look at the PDF (link below),
Fiscal Year 2014/15 - Annual ...
6 May 2015. Annual Results. Fiscal Year 2014/15 .
Waiver obtained on financial covenants for all facilities until completion of GE transaction.

The last half, well, a bit of smoke and mirrors involved, have a look at this from the analysts presentation. Earnings and underlying financial condition look very different. Net position deteriorated by close to EUR 2,200m in the last 6 months.
The Group’s net financial debt increased to €(4,803) million at 30 September 2015 versus €(3,143) million at 31 March 2015, mainly due to the negative free cash flow over the period.
Equity decreased over the period, standing at €3,744 million at 30 September 2015 from €4,224 million at 31 March 2015.
So Alstom lost around EUR 500m in equity AND piled on another EUR 1,700m in debt.
Not a good profile.
And still not a word on paying the fine nor the admission but a few resignations from the board...
Based on Mr. Patrick Kron’s announced decision to resign from his duties as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer after the return to shareholders of part of the proceeds of the transaction with General Electric, the Board of Directors indicated his intention to keep the functions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer as combined into one, and to entrust such duties to Mr. Henri Poupart-Lafarge, currently Director and Executive Vice President of Alstom, who has already declared he would accept such duties.
In addition, Mrs. Lalita Gupte and Katrina Landis have indicated their intention to resign from their duties as Directors on 31 December 2015. The Board of Directors does not plan to immediately co-opt new Directors following these resignations, in an effort to reduce the size of the Board of Directors.