I totally agree with this. We gave our kids a good start - we were very involved in their lives while they were growing up (actually still pretty involved, given Ms FM asked me to plan and book her honeymoon, although they paid).
We paid their hecs for Uni, bought them cars and gave them a deposit for a house. After that they were on their own financially. We made it very clear to them while they were young and after that, that the money was ours, we had worked hard for it and we intended to enjoy spending it - we had no intention of leaving them anything. Realistically of course unless we totally stuff up our finances they will inherit, as we don't know when we will die! Wouldn't it be nice to know you had x years and could blow everything and then pull the plug.
All 3 kids have good jobs, work hard and budget well (although Dr FM does have a weakness for designer shoes - don't know where she gets that from!).