Pay bill through Paypal by using Amex card, but still only receive 0.5 rewards points

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Just paid
AGL - 0.5 ppd - PAYPAL *AGLENERGYLI 0131245 - (26/08/18)
NRMA - 2 ppd - PAYPAL *INSURANCEAU 0292928092 - (21/08/18 & 23/08/18)

Business Accelerator card, so still not uniform
Anyone else finding their Amex card not available when paying Telstra bills through Paypal?

Trying to pay newest bill and my Westpac-branded/Amex-issued card isn't available as an option, even though I used it to pay last month's bill. Logging into separately still shows the Amex listed as a payment method there. It looks as if it's some sort of exception specific to Telstra.
I've given Australia Post PAYPAL payments the total flick. they have lost probably close on $ 100K of business pa
Have you tried the Visa checkout option? It’s pretty much like PayPal but you can pay by Amex too.
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Does anyone have recent experience with Explorer through Paypal>PostBillpay>payee? If it's back at 2.0 (PayPal spend) it's a good deal but at 0.5 (govt spend) there are better options. It's a big payment I'm looking to make, too.
Does anyone have recent experience with Explorer through Paypal>PostBillpay>payee? If it's back at 2.0 (PayPal spend) it's a good deal but at 0.5 (govt spend) there are better options. It's a big payment I'm looking to make, too.

Paid my Medibank premium 2 weeks ago using this method, got 2ppd spent :)
Paid car rego via PayPal in NSW last week and was 0.5ppd
It’s one of the payment options available on the Telstra payment site. It also accepts Amex. Works very similarly to PayPal - you kink your Amex to Visa checkout. I’ve used it with Explorer as a ‘free’ payment option. Explorer should pay full points for Telstra so don’t have any experience with how Amex treats payments through Visa checkout to government authorities or telco on other card products. Only ever used them with Telstra. YMMV.

Visa Checkout | Visa Payments Made Easy
Does anyone have recent experience with Explorer through Paypal>PostBillpay>payee? If it's back at 2.0 (PayPal spend) it's a good deal but at 0.5 (govt spend) there are better options. It's a big payment I'm looking to make, too.
PayPal explorer last week to buy a safe online approx $1800 = 2ppd. I have had problems of PayPal 0.5ppd, but not recently.
It’s one of the payment options available on the Telstra payment site. It also accepts Amex. Works very similarly to PayPal - you kink your Amex to Visa checkout. I’ve used it with Explorer as a ‘free’ payment option. Explorer should pay full points for Telstra so don’t have any experience with how Amex treats payments through Visa checkout to government authorities or telco on other card products. Only ever used them with Telstra. YMMV.

Visa Checkout | Visa Payments Made Easy
I think "kink" your Amex is for a different type of purchase ;)
Pleased to report a couple of transactions on Explorer through PayPal>PostBillpay>payee in the last week earned 2.0ppd, including one of several thousand for tuition fees.
Is this through the AP Post Billpay page or the medibank one? Also what card were you using? The explorer?

Thanks mate. I was looking through my statement from last year and i seem to have only gotten 0.5 points for my medibank premium payments. But I didn’t really have a breakdown of it. So could have been 0.5 points elsewhere. Will give it another crack.
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